The 4-Hr Work Week
Thinking about reading The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris? Want to know a bit more about the book before you buy a copy for yourself. This is the very first book I read which totally changed my way of thinking about working. We are brought up in society to think working a standard week of 9-5 Mon-Fri is completely normal & acceptable. However, you can work smarter and free up more time for yourself to do whatever you want. And when you are ‘working’, you are doing things you are passionate about.
This book is for anyone who wants to take control of their life, their money and their time. Most obviously this book is great for people who currently feel stuck in a 9-5 job and want to find a way out. Tim shows you how to free yourself from the office, but still keep your job (which is so much easier now thanks to covid and work from home arrangements), as well as how to set up your own business. It is also a great book for anyone who is working and would like to do so more effectively. Furthermore, the book is also a great choice for those people who really want to embrace the laptop lifestyle and travel the world. There is great advice for helping you to understand how you can travel and work at the same time, or how to take mini-retirements throughout your life. It’s a ‘dream’ most people will never believe is possible and simply won’t try. I made the decision to give it a go and haven’t looked back since. You have to choose to ignore the naysayers.
Tim reasons the old mentality of working hard for decades so we can comfortably retire and then pursue our dreams is no longer workable, as the retirement age climbs.
Using ideas such as outsourcing services and automating your business so you can spend less time working and more time doing what you really want, Tim takes readers on a step-by-step journey.
The book has sold more than 2.1 million copies and has been translated into over 40 languages. You will want to grab a paperback copy as there’s parts you’ll want to highlight over like I did on my second reading! Saves you reading it again in entirety for the bits that apply to you.
For the cost of a bottle of wine, BUY IT NOW. I highly recommend it. Thank me later ;)