$1200 Vic Rebate
Update 6/7/22: Due to high demand, applications for the Small Business Digital Adaptation Program have now closed.
Great news for sole traders & small business wanting to leverage funds available from the Vic Government towards building a new website. The Small Business Digital Adaptation Program provides $1200 rebates so small businesses can access a range of digital business tools.
The Vic Government has teamed up with 14 suppliers, including Squarespace & Shopify, to help you build or upgrade your website, improve your cash flow, start online marketing, manage your jobs and projects, and keep better track of stock.
There are only a limited number of rebates and you will need to pay ongoing costs for the product after the rebate runs out. Applicants need to attest that they are currently operating their business and intend to adapt their business to a digital operating environment.
operate a business located in Victoria that has been in operation before or since 28 March 2021
hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)
have continuously held the ABN before or since 28 March 2021.
The program will be open until 11:59pm on 18 July 2022, or until the program’s funds are exhausted, whichever comes first. For full details, visit the Vic Gov Small Business Digital Adaptation Program